may i remind you..?..that my eyes are the color of poo.
gee golly.
there must be a better thing to post then this here dude.a.roo
diddies.dots.and.pots are the best things i do.
i am now part of an ART CREW!!
The Cohoquinoque Crew
"the deal"
Cohoquinoque is a group of artists in Philadelphia working towards the organization of positive social adventures and the preservation and promotion of creative culture for the love of Making.
We are currently working on a show for the NCECA. in the month of April.
which.for truly exciting.
next weekend we are having a bake sale. v-day card sale. and. ladida. on 2nd street..near the foodery.
lil.pre.view.. gotta try to make something of myself.
kiln master kyle says yeaaaah...why, I really have no idea...
do not know why I was referenced...anywhoooooo...I am coming to PHILLY for NCECA...I am staying for the whole and my friend Dan and a friend from Japan...Maki Funai
would love to see you...what do you think?
i tagged you cause..i wanted you to see i made friends. i made friends. yeah. and. i'm doing things. it's kinda coming together..things.ya.things.are like coming together.slowly.but.days go by quickly.fucking too quickly.
sorry. inappropriate i tag you when not really talking about you. ya. sorry. i'll un.tag you.
you are more then welcome to stay with me. you.and.your friends. save some money and ladida..
i can't wait to see you!!
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