Friday, March 25, 2011

Галина Уланова танец умирающего лебедя 1956 год

long before studying the days of rococo.
i was interested in ballet.
i enjoy the fluid movements of limbs.
watching a study of physical perfection.

recently.during my moments of silent.self.complaisance.ness
i watch clips of the white swan dieing.
(so morbid)

when this lin was a lil'one
i had a beautiful edition of "Swan Lake". (chris van allsburg)
'twas my favorite book.

in the book the swan, odette, drowns with her prince, siegfried. awe.
i try not to be a romantic.but.alas. i am.
i can only hope to die
with ballerina white swan like grace.

silly.silicosis.slippin in my lungs.
i'll die knowing i tried.

.that will be my grace.


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